METAGREEN provides the most advanced natural Ionised Mineral based solutions to treat any water volume safely and effectively:


Managers and engineers responsible for municipal water quality frequently face challenges as a result of biological contamination in raw water supplies. Cyanobacteria and other algae produce toxins that affect the colour, taste and smell of water can also lead to conditions that are both life-threatening and injurious to the environment if not managed properly.


Ionic Cupric Copper works to correct and prevent both aesthetic and toxic water issues stemming from biological contaminants in potable and non-potable water systems. Used seasonally as prevention, it minimizes downstream treatment costs. It also reduces reliance on more harmful or costly solutions such as chlorine, flocculants and activated carbon.


Ionic Cupric Copper is an environmentally sound alternative to solvents, chelates, sequestering agents and harmful synthetic chemicals.


How Ionic Cupric Copper Works


A New Copper. Using minute quantities of the most biologically active form of copper Ionic Cupric Copper achieves effective results from very low application rates. Unlike copper sulphate, Ionic Cupric Copper ‘s copper does not sink to the bottom. It naturally seeks a balanced disbursement leading to even performance results. In contrast, copper sulphate is commonly plagued by ‘hot spots’ and inconsistent effectiveness. Ionic Cupric Copper is also longer lasting. It remains bio-available through a wide range of conditions until assimilated by a target microorganism allowing for on-going water protection. And unlike copper sulphate and chlorine-based anti-microbial applications, it is not affected by sunlight and does not evaporate nor precipitate. It is also capable of remaining biologically active through the rigours of high pH, alkalinity and organic content.

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Amount of Ionic Cupric Copper Needed to Control Harmful Micro-Organisms

Organisms 0.06 ppm of Copper (Cu++) 0.12 ppm Copper (Cu++)
Cyanophyceae (Blue-green algae) Cylindrospermum, Gloeotrichia, Microcystis Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Calothrix, Nostoc, Oscillaria, Phormidium, Symploca
Chlorophyceae (Green) Closterium, Conferva, Nitella, Spirogyra, Ulothrix Chlorella, Chara, Cladophora, Coelastrum, Oedogonium, Pithophora*, Scenedesmus*, Zygnema
Diatomceae (Diatoms) Asterionella, Fragilaria, Gomphonema, Melosira, Navicula Achnanthes, Cymbella, Neidium, Tabellaria
Protozoa (Flagellates) Dinobryon, Synura, Uroglena, Volvox Chlamydomonas*, Eudorina, Glenodinium, Hawmatococcus, Pandorina

100% Effective in Controling Quagga & Zebra Mussle Infestations


TTHM’s, DBP’s and TOC


These are acronyms that keep Water Treatment Plant Managers up at night. METAGREEN has a solution that just might help you to have the peace of mind of knowing there is a real solution to these ongoing problems. It is no secret that the plant managers are constantly battling disinfection by-products. They have been forced to reduce chlorine, switch to chloramines, add permanganate, install ozone and so on, And still, they are often right on the edge of their limit for DBP’s.


METAGREEN is here to help you finally solve your problem.


Here are the key problems:

  1. 1.WTP’s can’t always identify the source of the problem.
  2. 2.WTP’s are using oxidizers that create DBP’s.

TOC is a tricky number. It is seasonal and often at its highest levels during the months with the largest customer demand- June, July, August and September. If this what you are experiencing, METAGREEN has a solution.


Ionic Nano Copper is not an oxidizer and does not create disinfection by-products. Ionic Nano Copper is an algaecide and bactericide. By reducing your algae and bacteria you are by definition reducing your TOC. Many of the chemicals you are using to treat the TOC are being misused to treat algae and bacteria. This misapplication during the summer months is one of the reasons your DBP’s climb.


Plants that use Ionic Nano Copper at their intake screens are able to reduce or eliminate other chemicals and oxidizers that create DBP’s. The result is a more optimized approach targeted to specific TOC issues.


We are so confident you will reduce your TOC levels we can offer this at no risk and if you are not happy with the results, you don’t have to pay for the product!



METAGREEN’s Ionic Nano Copper, will contain and control quagga and zebra mussels from areas that they have already colonized. For reservoirs or small lakes where adult mussels have infested the bottom and shoreline, Ionic Nano Copper, can be spread at the surface or pumped down to the sites of worst infestation. The application does not require any specialized equipment because Ionic Nano Copper disperses quickly and rapidly throughout the treated areas to a uniform concentration.


Power plants can use large volumes of water for cooling and mussel veligers may be present in that water, leading to infestation. Ionic Nano Copper, is used to prevent infestation and keep systems clean so they can operate at maximum efficiency. To treat flowing water such as a pipeline, INC can be applied at the intake structure using a conventional metering pump and dripping in a continuous dose, as a way to keep all downstream locations free from colonization by mussels.


INC prevents and eliminates quagga and zebra mussels in golf course water features and all manner of irrigation systems, including drip irrigation and their emitters.
INC controls and prevents noxious gases and foul odors


INC prevents the spread of mussels in water being conveyed by open aqueducts, canals and pipelines. Since the volumes of water tend to be very large, a pulsed dose is one strategy for reducing chemical and expense.


Chlorine vs Ionic Cupric Copper:

Chlorine Ionic Cupric Copper
Primary Action
  • Chemical oxidization of waterborne bacteria and other organic matter
  • Bio-chemical interference with the metallo-enzyme mechanism of waterborne bacteria and algae which stops metabolism and reproductive functions
Secondary Action
  • Interacts with organic compounds in water to form numerous compounds hazardous to health and the environment (TTHM)
  • Forms no deleterious compounds
  • Highly unstable, quickly exhausted
  • Neutralized by UV radiation
  • May require other chemicals for stability
  • Highly stable, long lasting
  • Not easily depleted
  • Will not evaporate or precipitate
  • Is not affected by UV radiation
  • Needs no additives for stability
Effect on Water
  • May alter pH and other parameters required to maintain water quality
  • Increased demand for other chemical additives to be effective
  • Promotes safe water conditions
  • Slightly reduces pH
  • Reduces demand for oxidizers and sanitizers
  • Short lived oxidizing activity
  • Frequent testing and re-application to maintain desired results
  • Long term bacteriostatic and algicidal activity
  • Lasting results achieved with minimal labor Reduced cost to achieve bacteria and algae control
Personal Comfort
  • May cause skin, eye, sinus irritation Reacts with clothing
  • Highly toxic if overdosed or accidentally released
  • Contains only naturally sourced copper ions in a colloidal matrix
  • Copper is a human, animal, and plant dietary requirement
Environmental Impact
  • Toxic to fish and other marine life Contributes to “Greenhouse Effect” eg: ozone depletion
  • Use according to directions that apply in the presence of marine life
  • Biodegrades to natural elements
Ease of Use
  • Several different types available
  • Acute learning curve to properly administe
  • Only one product needed
  • Effective in a variety of water maintenance systems (mechanical and chemical)
  • Apply manually or by automatic injection
  • While presently commercially accepted, it is losing support worldwide, due to environmental and human health concerns
  • NSF ANSI 60 Certified
  • Meets Canadian drinking water guidelines at 1 ppm


get in touch

Please contact us for further information about METAGREEN products and services

our office info
Level 36,Menara CitiBank,165 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
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